T.R. Annie

Country USA - Texas
Town Houston
Years old
Language English
Information I am a TG/TV/CD/ transvestite/tranny/etc. "girl" who loves to play dressup. My favorite outfit is a blue jeans skirt, cream colored silk blouse with pearls, an asortment of bracelets and strappy sandals with silky smooth bare legs.
My story is similar to those you have heard a thousand times already - A young boy discovers the joys of high heels, female clothes, nylons, etc. and grows up to be a forever- and-ever transvestite..... ..
Here's how it started - one day, home alone, I tried on a short red skirt, with a pair of black high heels. It felt really good! I took off the shoes and experienced pulling on a pair of nylons for the first time. Oh wow! And then the feel of my nyloned foot "slipping" into the high heeled shoes and walking around like that, like a girl, I was in a dream! It felt incredible and I knew others would think it was "wrong" but it was irresistibly desirable and exciting at the same time . For me, it felt,.. so right.
That's about it really!
E-Mail TinyFemmeBoy@TinyFemmeboy.Com
Homepage http://www.flickr.com/people/trannie/