Volunteering in France and abroad 
This new study on volunteering is based on studies made during the last 10 years in France and abroad ; a first study had been published in 1997 at the Documentation française (see last study at the Documentation française).

Date of publication: august 2003
Price : 14 Euros
Number of pages : 143
Format : 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 2-11-005352-6 DF 5 6929-1
To order :
This study is available in bookshops or at the Documentation française,
29 quai Voltaire
75007 Paris
tél : + 33 1 40 15 71 10

This study tends to answer several questions : who are the volunteers ? why do they involve ? What does voluntary work mean ? what is its economic impact ? what do the public authorities do concerning volunteering ? 

1. Volunteering
Definitions and theoretical basis
Framework for volunteering
State of art concerning volunteering
Which status for the volunteer ?
Kinds of volunteering

2. Evolution and stakes
Voluntary involvement
Homo donator
Seniors volunteering
Juniors volunteering

3. Role of public authorities
Place and official recognition for volunteering in society

Voluntary strategy
Stakes and future for volunteering
© IRIV , Paris, 2003