Etudes - revue de culture contemporaine
No. 5, mai 2007

  A special highlight of this May issue is the article on contemporary art today under the impact of the globalised arts market (p. 649-658). The articles in the International section deal with Venezuela, and with the humanitarian crisis in North Kenya, caused by the drought in 2006 and the bad management of water supplies.

Also of interest: the article of Lenoir on medical insurance in France, highlighting the difficult balance between costs and equality of access; the essay on the emotional effects of listening to music (Guillot). Others deal with euthanasia, marriage, the texts of the Second Vatican Council.

The articles section is complemented by a "Carnet" which reviews topical cultural events in France such as theatre pieces, films, television programmes, exhibitions, concerts and books, both fiction and non-fiction.

The detailed table of contents with abstracts is available online on the publisher's website at this external link.

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