Associates of the S.C.P.

"Ricard, Demeure & Associés"



Michel Ricard, Sylvain Demeure, Julie Sarassat, Nathalie Baillon



The ordalie was the judgement of God... But the parts preferred to be made represent!

Michel Ricard

Doctor at law
Lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Paris
Specialist in:
Right Public
Revenue duty
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Born in 1945, and after having made studies of Public law, Michel Ricard follows a training course two years in a solicitor during whom it acquired a thorough knowledge of the civil procedure, while preparing a thesis of public law. Admitted at the Bar of Paris, it lends oath in September 1973, and supports its thesis in June 1974.

Immediately, it decides to direct its professional career towards the Administrative law and becomes one of the first, among lawyers at the Court, to completely devote its activity to this field which then had the appearance of "a field reserved" to lawyers near the Council of State and the Supreme court of appeal

Conscious as of the beginnings of the microprocessing of the party which its occupation in full expansion can draw, he writes then, on "4th Dimension", a program integrating all the aspects of the activity of a law firm. At the end of a score of years of professional experience, its cabinet became one the most appreciated of in the field of the right of town planning.

In addition to many articles, notes of jurisprudence and conferences, he is the author of severalworks published with the Editions du Monitor, of which:

"Practice of the administrative and tax dispute" (2nd ED. 1979),

"New civil procedure" (1st ED. 1979),

"The permit building" (4th ED. 1992).

"The reach development concerted" (2004, in collaboration with Jean-Yves Martin and Sylvain Demeure).

And then, if all that annoys you, you can always go to distract you with his voyage into Trans-Siberian: :


Sylvain Demeure

Lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Paris  
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Vidéoconférence (AIM) : sydemeure


Born in 1950, Sylvain Demeure obtained his control in right in 1974. He followed an atypical course, insofar as he became lawyer relatively late, at 38 years.

Attache of the services external of the State lasting more than 10 years in a Departmental Direction of the Equipment of the Paris area, it acquired a solid experiment in the public law of the goods in the capacity as person in charge for various services, of which that of land expropriations and acquisitions, the dispute and installation.

Having left the administration after decentralization, it entered to the cabinet of Michel Ricard in the capacity as consultant, then of collaborator lawyer.

Extremely of its professional experiment, particularly appreciated communes, its activity within the S.C.P. was naturally directed towards the operations of installation. It in addition ensures a certain number of conferences on the questions of installation, in particular at the School of the Highways Departments.

He is the author of "the reach development concerted" (the Monitor 2004, in collaboration with Jean-Yves Martin and Michel Ricard).


The ordalie was the judgement of God, but... it did not comply with the rule of the collegial structure!

Julie Sarassat

Lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Paris  
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Born in 1973 Julie Sarassat integrated the cabinet in 2001 when it initially exerted in the capacity as collaborator to become associatedwith the structure in 2004.

Holder of a control in public law of the businesses and of a D.E.S.S. of Public administration, it carries out his first collaboration within a cabinet specialized in public law.

Its spheres of activities cover the whole of the right of town planning and a more general way the questions relating to installation. It develops moreover the pole gone public within the cabinet.

Julie Sarassat is in charge of teaching at the University Paris X where it ensures of the lectures in right of town planning within the die installation.

She also intervenes in this matter for various organizations of formation.

Nathalie Baillon

Lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Paris  
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Born on June 23, 1974 Nathalie Baillon is titular of a Master in public law, a DEA of public law (university bets V) and DESS Aménagement Town planning and local Development of Science-Po Paris.

Major of promotion "Lafarge" with the I.D.P.A. (Institute of Public law of the Businesses) and 13th from promotion with the E.F.B., it obtained the certificate of Aptitude for the occupation of lawyer into 2000 whole as a practitioner the right of town planning and more generally the public law within law firms specialized as a lawyer then as a lawyer.

Its double training of lawyer and town planner have naturally to push it to integrate in 2002 the cabinet Ricard, Page & Demeure and Associate in particular for its competences in assembly of operations of installation.

Associated in April 2004, it develops the right of the environment within the cabinet, matter which it also approaches through drafting of articles.

Nathalie Baillon is in charge of teaching at the University Paris X where it ensures of the lectures in right of town planning within the die installation.

She also intervenes in this matter for various organizations of formation.

[the office] [Spheres of activities]
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