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Rooms with 1,2 beds and more with shower and phone. The best prices.
 44, rue des Bernardins 75005 PARIS
 Tél : 0143293480

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 French restaurant specialized in the grills, come to  eat in a very beautiful cellar several times centenaire.

 Best Mexican restaurant of Paris. Come to find  authenticates food of this marvellous country. Do not  forget to try the "margarite" quite simply formidable.
 30, rue des Bernardins 75005 PARIS.
 Tél : 0143261020

 A true Italian restaurant, you will eat the autentic  pizza pie Italian and pastes "al dente".
 Wines and italien desserts.
 19, rue Laplace 75005 PARIS
 Tél : 0143291977


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