Harris Brumfield

Brumfield est un ancien floor trader du CBOT. Il fut le plus gros trader de T-note sur le pit avant de devenir le plus gros trader sur le bund, passant avec succès du pit à l'écran. Pendant près de 10 ans il accomplit une performance à 7-8 chiffres avant de rejoindre et prendre le contrôle d'un éditeur de logiciel, Trading Technologies, qu'il a conseillé dans la création d'une plateforme d'exécution révolutionnaire (notamment le fameux MD Trader). Extraits d'une interview donnée à Active Trader en 2003.

The goal was to keep learning. I really enjoyed the challenge of trading. I was trying to see how good I could get at it, and the best way to do that is to push the volume envelope. I wanted to see if I could trade unlimited size and still make it. I knew then I'd have something amazing. I probably was fortunate to develop a couple of things along the way, and it definitely took years to do this.
Harris Brumfield

Quelques extraits de son interview :

You need to have some kind of game plan. But things evolve so quickly in the market you have to be able to adapt. Combining some kind of systematic foundation with the ability to change things on the fly probably gives you the best of both worlds.
Harris Brumfield