package testparser; import*; import java.util.*; /** * This class converts a COBOL 85 fixed-format source into a free format source. * It also processes the REPLACE and COPY statements, and converts compiler * directives to comments. * @author Bernard Pinon *

Copyright (c) Bernard Pinon 2002 *

This file can be freely redistributed under the terms of the * LGPL licence * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ public class Preprocessor { /** * Indicates that the input format is fixed - this is the * standard ANSI format, inspired by punched cards. Each line * must have exactly 80 characters. *

*/ public static final int FORMAT_FIXED = 0; /** * Indicates that the format is variable. This is used by the Fujitsu-Siemens * compiler for instance. In this format, lines can have a variable length. * */ public static final int FORMAT_VARIABLE = 1; /** * Indicates that the format is the one used on HP-Compaq Non-stop systems, * also known as "Tandem" systems. This is similar to the variable format, but * without the first six comment characters. * */ public static final int FORMAT_TANDEM = 2; /** * The format currently in use. */ private int source_format = FORMAT_FIXED; /** * The path of the source file. We assume that all copy-books will reside in * the same directory. */ private File source_path; /** * A reader for the fixed format COBOL 85 source. */ private BufferedReader input; /** * A writer for the free format COBOL 85 source. */ private PrintWriter output; /** * The current source line. */ private String line; /** * The current line number, for error messages. */ private int line_number; /** * The indicator field of the current line. */ private char indicator_field; /** * The REPLACE substitution map. */ private HashMap replace = new HashMap(); /** * The delimiters used to parse the source line * for REPLACE/COPY. */ private static final String DELIMITERS = " \n\r\t,;.'\"="; /** * If true, we include debugging lines in the resulting source. */ private boolean include_debug_lines; /** * Public empty constructor. */ public Preprocessor() { } /** * Skips all delimiters in the parsed line. * @param st a StringTokenizer. * @return the next significant token or an empty string. */ private final String skipDelimiters( StringTokenizer st ) { if( !st.hasMoreTokens() ) return ""; String tok = st.nextToken(); while( DELIMITERS.indexOf( tok ) >= 0 && st.hasMoreTokens() ) { tok = st.nextToken(); } return tok; } /** * Processes the COPY statement. * @param st a StringTokenizer. */ private final void processCopy( StringTokenizer st ) { String tok = skipDelimiters( st ); if( !st.hasMoreTokens() ) { System.err.println("Problem parsing COPY, invalid syntax line " + line_number ); return; } String copy_name = tok.toUpperCase(); File copy_file = new File( source_path, copy_name ); // check if the file exists. If not, gives a second chance trying with // a .COB extension. if( !copy_file.exists() ) { copy_name += ".COB"; copy_file = new File( source_path, copy_name ); if( !copy_file.exists() ) { System.err.println("File not found : " + copy_file.getAbsolutePath() ); outputAsComment( line + " (file not found)" ); return; } } // saves context BufferedReader current_input = input; int current_line_number = line_number; outputAsComment( "start of copy-book " + copy_name + " (" + copy_file.getAbsolutePath() + ")" ); try { input = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( copy_file ) ); preprocessMainline(); } catch( Exception ex ) { System.err.println("IO Exception while processing COPY line " + line_number + " " + line ); ex.printStackTrace(); } input = current_input; line_number = current_line_number; outputAsComment( "end of copy-book " + copy_name ); } /** * Processes the REPLACE statement. * @param st a StringTokenizer. */ private final void processReplace( StringTokenizer st ) { String tok = skipDelimiters( st ); if( !st.hasMoreTokens() ) { System.err.println("Problem parsing REPLACE, invalid syntax, expecting line " + line_number ); return; } String key = tok.toUpperCase(); tok = skipDelimiters( st ).toUpperCase(); if( !st.hasMoreTokens() || !tok.equals( "BY" ) ) { System.err.println("Problem parsing REPLACE, invalid syntax, expecting BY line " + line_number ); return; } tok = skipDelimiters( st ).toUpperCase(); if( !st.hasMoreTokens() ) { System.err.println("Problem parsing REPLACE, invalid syntax, expecting substitution text line " + line_number ); return; } StringBuffer subst = new StringBuffer(); int state = 0; while( st.hasMoreTokens() && state != 2 ) { if( state == 0 && tok.equals("=") ) { state = 1; continue; } else if( state == 1 ) { if( tok.equals("=") ) state = 2; else state = 0; continue; } subst.append( tok ); tok = st.nextToken(); } String value = subst.toString(); replace.put( key, value ); //System.out.println("New replace \"" + key + "\" -> \"" + value ); } /** * Removes the trailing spaces on a line. Used to save some space. * @param line a String. * @return the string without trailing spaces. */ private static final String removeTrailingSpaces( String line ) { int i = line.length() - 1; while( i >= 0 && line.charAt(i) == ' ' ) { --i; } return line.substring(0,i+1); } /** * Processes a COBOL line, traping COPY/REPLACE statements, and * making the substitutions required by REPLACE. * @param line a String */ private final void processCopyReplace( String line ) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( line, DELIMITERS, true ); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer( line.length() + 10 ); boolean first_token = true; boolean in_string = false; result.append( ' ' ); while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) { String tok = st.nextToken(); // is it a delimiter ? if( DELIMITERS.indexOf( tok ) >= 0 ) { if( tok.equals("\"") ) in_string = !in_string; result.append( tok ); continue; } // REPLACE/COPY should be the first significant token if( first_token ) { if( tok.equalsIgnoreCase( "REPLACE" ) ) { outputAsComment( line ); processReplace( st ); return; } else if( tok.equalsIgnoreCase( "COPY" ) ) { outputAsComment( line ); processCopy( st ); return; } first_token = false; } // other token should be checked for substitution, except for // those enclosed in "" if( !in_string ) { String utok = tok.toUpperCase(); if( replace.containsKey( utok ) ) { tok = (String)replace.get( utok ); } } result.append( tok ); } // fix sick strings that are not terminated if( in_string ) result.append('\"'); output.println( removeTrailingSpaces( result.toString() ) ); } /** * Normalize an input line to the TANDEM format. * @param line the input line. * @return a COBOL source line in Tandem format. */ private final String normalizeLine( String line ) { switch( source_format ) { case FORMAT_FIXED : return line.substring( 6, 72 ); case FORMAT_VARIABLE : return line.substring( 6 ); default : return line; } } /** * Outputs a line (which is not necessary a comment) as a comment. * @param line the line. */ private final void outputAsComment( String line ) { output.print( "*> " ); output.println( line ); } /** * Outputs a comment line. * @param line the line. */ private final void outputComment( String line ) { output.print( "*>" ); output.println( line ); } /** * The preprocessor mainline, called recursively when processing COPY. * @throws IOException */ private final void preprocessMainline() throws IOException { line = input.readLine(); while( line != null ) { ++line_number; line = normalizeLine( line ); indicator_field = line.charAt(0); line = line.substring(1); switch( indicator_field ) { case 'D' : case 'd' : if( include_debug_lines ) processCopyReplace( line ); else outputAsComment( line ); case ' ' : case '-' : processCopyReplace( line ); break; case '*' : outputComment( line ); break; default : outputAsComment( line ); break; } line = input.readLine(); } } /** * The preprocessor main entry point. * @param in_path Path to input file. * @param out_path Path to output file. */ public void preprocess( String in_path, String out_path ) { try { File in_file = new File( in_path ); source_path = in_file.getParentFile(); input = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( in_file ) ); if( out_path != null ) { output = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( out_path ) ); } else { output = new PrintWriter( System.out ); out_path = "stdout"; } System.out.println("Processing COBOL file \"" + in_path + "\" to \"" + out_path + "\"." ); preprocessMainline(); System.out.println("Done, " + line_number + " lines processed." ); input.close(); output.close(); } catch( Exception ex ) { if( line_number > 0 ) System.err.println("Exception at line " + line_number + " : " + line ); ex.printStackTrace(); return; } } /** * @return the last line number. */ public int getLineNumber() { return line_number; } /** * @return the source format. */ public int getSourceFormat() { return source_format; } /** * Sets the source format. * @param source_format the new format. */ public void setSourceFormat(int source_format) { this.source_format = source_format; } /** * @return true if we include debug lines */ public boolean includesDebugLines() { return include_debug_lines; } /** * @param include_debug_lines if true, includes lines marked with "D". */ public void setIncludeDebugLines(boolean include_debug_lines) { this.include_debug_lines = include_debug_lines; } /** * Display program usage and exit. Why do I have this impression of * repeating myself? */ private static final void displayProgramUsageAndExit() { System.err.println("Usage : java Preprocessor [] []"); System.err.println(" : preprocessor options :"); System.err.println("Input format option : -F (fixed) -V (variable) -T (tandem)"); System.err.println("Debug option : -D (include debug lines)"); System.err.println(" : COBOL 85 fixed format source path."); System.err.println(" : output path. If omitted, stdout is used."); System.exit(0); } /** * A simple mainline. *

Usage : java Preprocessor [<options>]<in_path> [<out_path>] *
where :

  • <options> : preprocessor options :
    * Input format option : -F (fixed) -V (variable) -T (tandem)
    * Debug option : -D (include debug lines) *
  • <in_path> : COBOL 85 source path. *
  • <out_path> : output path. If omitted, stdout is used. *
* @param args Command-line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("COBOL 85 Source preprocessor - (c) Bernard Pinon 2002"); if( args.length == 0 ) displayProgramUsageAndExit(); Preprocessor preprocessor = new Preprocessor(); int i; // process command line options for( i = 0; i < args.length; i++ ) { if( !args[i].startsWith("-") ) break; switch( args[i].charAt(1) ) { case 'F' : preprocessor.setSourceFormat( FORMAT_FIXED ); break; case 'V' : preprocessor.setSourceFormat( FORMAT_VARIABLE ); break; case 'T' : preprocessor.setSourceFormat( FORMAT_TANDEM ); break; case 'D' : preprocessor.setIncludeDebugLines( true ); break; default : displayProgramUsageAndExit(); } } // process command line arguments String source = args[i++]; String dest = ( args.length > i ? args[i] : null ); // preprocess preprocessor.preprocess( source, dest ); // bye System.exit(0); } }