Michael Harrison:
The Exploits of The Chevalier Dupin
In this book the chevalier Dupin comes to life once more,
in a series of seven cases written by Michael Harrison.
They are :
- The Vanished Treasure
- The Mystery of the Fulton Documents
- The Man in the Blue Spectacles
- The Mystery of the Gilded Cheval-Glass
- The Fires in the Rue St. Honoré
- The Murder in the Rue Royale
- The Facts in the Case 0f the Missing Diplomat
For this collection the author has prepared also
an account of Dupin: "The Reality Behind the Fiction."

First edition: Harrison, Michael, The Exploits of the Chevalier Dupin,
Sauk City, WS, Mycroft & Moran, 1968.

Reprint: Harrison, Michael, The compleat adventures of Chevalier Dupin,
Shelburne, Ont., Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2001.

French translation : Harrison Michael, Le Retour du Chevalier Dupin,
Paris, C. Bourgois, 1993.