Didier Léglise biography

Didier Léglise starts video creation in 1990 during his studies of visual arts at the University of Bordeaux III. He create sculptures mixing images, video and music.

Since 2004 he created for the performing arts in France and abroad. He develops a work on new ways to compositions and the use of audio and visual systems in real time in live shows. « Peau Mémoire » of the Gregory & Co Company (choreographer Sylvie Le Quéré) was selected innovative creation by FING 2005.  For the Cie Hypothèse Theatre (Toulouse) and at the invitation of the city of Sendai (Japan), he realizes the video staging of "Abekobe" show (2007).

In 2008, he designed and created the show "CXtra" for Atmen dance company (Paris) to the Cube (Issy les Moulineaux).

He directed « Un / es" with choreographer Sylvie Le Quéré (Cie Gregoire & Co) 2010 solo dance / sound and visual interactive system. With Songes Mecaniques director Ludovic Fouquet, with whom he collaborates since 1999, he created videos and features for the shows "689 Pellicules, Anastasia ..." as well as numerous performances "in situ", "Corps shadow "in 2007, the Louvre (Paris)," Palimpsia '2012 (video and interactive system) to Engramme (Quebec). He realizes in 2011 the visual spectacle installation / multimedia concert « Viens dedans ...." the group Zong (Réunion), video and interactive systems of Olivier Letellier show « La Scaphandrière" (Théâtre du Phare) in 2012 and « La tectonique des plaques »" Cie des Ouvreurs de Possibles in 2014