Monte chooses unwisely, part II

Or to be honest with him, he had chosen unwisely by declaring on Washington as in 1808AD, I am required to help America from the Aztecs menace.

As in the previous war, the first years are spent upgrading the best promoted but slightly outdated units into top modern fighting squads.

SoD get ready to strike at Teotihuacan in 1812AD, get attacked by a catapult for minor collateral damage and bombard the defence from 60% to 9% before launching the assault:

·         1st infantry (CR3+C1) vs longbow (CD2) faces odds of 22.0 vs 7.7 and wins with 17.6 left.

·         2nd wounded infantry (CR1+C1) vs mace (C2) faces odds of 20.7 vs 10.7 and just wins with 4.8 left.

·         1st cavalry (C2) vs longbow faces odds of 18.0 vs 9.5 and wins with 10.8 left.

·         1st elephant (C2) vs wounded catapult faces odds of 9.6 vs 1.2, wins without damage and capture the city.

This capture shortens the frontline by a large margin, thanks to the culture bomb used in Grenoble in the previous turns.

There are lots of units in Tenochtitlan, so a destroyer is position to block the port and prevent any escape or landing party (there are still archers defending our shores far away). Monte tries to assemble a little group of unit to threaten to capture Teotihuacan while my units (with armours now) are approaching Tenochtitlan.

Some of this little army go and try to pillage around Tours again and are reduced into pieces and the assault on Tenochtitlan can start in 1826AD:

·         1st artillery (CR) vs longbow faces odds of 18.0 vs 10.2, wins with 9.9left and does 8 collateral damages.

·         1st wounded tank (CR2) vs longbow faces odds of 22.4 vs 7.5 and wins with 19.0 left.

·         Same wouded tank (CR2) vs musket faces odds of 19.0 vs 9.0 and just barely wins with 0.8 left !

·         1st infantry (CR3+C1) vs Mace faces odds of 22.0 vs 5.3 and wins with 18.0 left.

·         1st cavalry (C2) vs knight (C2) faces odds of 18.0 vs 8.6 and wins with 4.5 left.

·         2st cavalry (C2+Fo) vs wouded longbow faces odds of 18.0 vs 6.9 and wins with 11.4 left.

·         1st canon vs knight wins with 2.4 left

There are still 5 (much wounded) units left defending the city.

Following turn, the second wave is sent against Tenochtitlan:

·         1st artillery (C1) vs longbow (CD2) faces odds of 19.8 vs 10.2, wins with 13.0 left and does collateral damage.

·         2nd wounded artillery (CR2) vs wounded knight faces odds of 13.9 vs 5.6, wins without damage and does collateral damage.

·         1st infantry (C1+CR) vs longbow faces odds of 22.0 vs 3.3 and wins without damage.

·         2nd infantry (CR3) vs wounded crossbow 20.0 vs 1.3 and wins without damage.

·         finish the 5 last units (very injured) with either catapults or very damaged units and capture the Aztecs capital.

Back at home Chartres (best production by far) finishes Eiffel Tower in 1828AD and start the UN, which is finished in 1834AD thanks to a Great Engineer from Paris, as spoiled in the previous picture.

The first election are held in 1838AD and without much surprise, I am elected against Washington. Alex has abstained but Gandhi has nicely voted for me.

Back to the Aztecs

·         Tlaxcala is under attack in 1834AD and captured in 1836AD, as muskets can’t resist CR2 tanks with artillery support.

·         Atzacapotzalco is captured in 1840AD by a small infantry/artillery party.

·         Texcoco is captured in 1840AD as well, featuring my new shinny bombers and old fashion tanks.

Monte can now go and discuss History with Genghis.


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