www.chronicus.com History in all its states! is a semi-monthly magazine in line of History animated by a team of voluntary made up historians, professors of the secondary and the superior as well as students, who presents articles and dossiers synthetic and critical that come to support of many biographical cards and historical documents in all kinds. Our ambition is to combine popularization and scholarship in a coherent whole of historical resources placed at the disposal of all and all. Nearly 500 pages to date. A forum is also available.
Chronicus banner

Les ardents : Created in 1940 the National Movement of Resistance "Les Ardents" was established in several areas of France.This site is dedicated to this group in Auvergne. The president of this association is Laurent Rauzier in Clermont-Ferrand.
Les Ardents

Mémoire.net : Site animated by Evelyne Py (Professor of history-geography to the College Pierre de Ronsard, 69440 Mornant which also collaborates in the preceding site) dedicated to resistance in the area the Rhone the Alps. Bonds towards other sites also treating resistance.

Remember-toi.org : Site animated by Gerard Pellois on the political deportees, of the French prisons to the concentration camps. To consult the directory of the sites paying homage or treating resistance.

History and memory of the 2 last world wars : Site of the Regional Center of Documentation Teaching Ardenne Champagne animated by Jean-Pierre Husson. The heading Bonds, very rich person makes it possible to reach many resources on Internet (institutional Sites, academic Musées and memorials, Associations and Foundations, Sites, Sites of the school establishments and documentary Resources on line).

Foundation of resistance :  Internet site of the Foundation of Resistance (responsible for the site: Cecile Vast). Created in 1993, this foundation aims to perennialize the memory and l’histoire resistance and to transmit the values of resistance to the younger generations.

Association de généalogie juive internationale : GenAmi - The Association for Jewish Genealogy. French Internet site centered on Jewish Genealogy. President: Micheline Gutmann.