I have translated some of my published and unpublished books into English. One of them was published by Bloomsbury USA as The Fighter. Click here, or on the sentence “An English version is available” whenever it appears underlined below, to reach a page where you can download PDF files of the books.
This is possible because these books are out of print and I own the copyright. When the sentence isn’t underlined, I have translated the book but it is still on sale and the publisher owns the rights. You should contact the publisher if you want to publish the book yourself.
Le paradis du miel (published by École des Loisirs
in 1996).
The narrator of this wild tale has a knack for languages. He learns the
language of chimpanzees and adopts two young apes, Big Sister and Little
He does speak with a heavy foreign accent, so the chimps just don't understand
when he says: Please tidy up your room
Stop throwing mashed
potatoes at the ceiling
An English version is available (Honey Paradise).
Les larmes du samourai (The crying Samurai, École des
Loisirs, 1997).
Yoshitsune is Japans favorite hero. He lived for real in the twelfth
century, but he is better known as a character in books, theater plays
and TV series, a kind of young superhero with magical powers who turns
into a pathetic failure fleeing the wrath of his half-brother.
Since the Japanese know Lancelot and John of Arc, I think the French and
American people should read about Yoshitsune.
This book has been translated into Greek.
Réveille-toi Ludwig (Wake up, Ludwig, École des
Loisirs, 1997).
The life of Beethoven. He is filthy, uncouth and short-tempered. He admires
Bonaparte, hates Napoleon. He insults his friends and patrons. He composes
works of genius that nobody understands. He falls in love with the beautiful
Vienna aristocrats he teaches piano to. Alas, beautiful aristocrats cant
love him. A princess can marry a filthy, uncouth and short-tempered man,
but only if he is a prince. So Beethoven is very unhappy.
Moi, Marilyn (École des Loisirs, 1998).
So now I think Im Marilyn Monroe. Or at least, I write her life
in the first person. She was famous and unhappy, like Beethoven, but thats
about all they had in common.
This book has been translated into German and published by Bertelsmann
An English version is available (I, Marilyn).
Kama (École des Loisirs, 1998).
In 1939, when German bombs begin to fall on Warsaw, Kama is ten years
old. She flees with her parents to Byelorussia, then Ukraine, Azerbaidjan,
Georgia, Armenia, Turkmenistan. They settle eventually in a village in
Uzbekistan, in Central Asia. She learns more than if she was going to
school, and so do we.
This novel is based on the story of a friend of my parents. An English
version is available (Kama).
Le ring de la mort (École des Loisirs, 1998).
Like Kama, Maurice grows up in Warsaw. He doesnt know whether he
is born in 1913 or 1915. What he knows is that his family is very poor.
He emigrates to Paris, where he becomes a leather worker and an amateur
In 1941, the French police arrests him with many other Polish Jews. After
spending some time in French camps, he is deported to Auschwitz. The SS
discover than he can box. They want him to fight a dying man and kill
him. Will Maurice accept to kill in order to save his own skin? Or will
he refuse to become a murderer, even if it means being shot on the spot
by the SS?
This book, based on a true story, received the main French awards for
best Young Adults novel in 2000 (five awards altogether).
Bloomsbury USA published the English version (The Fighter) in
the fall of 2006.
Tout est relatif, comme dit Einstein (Everything is relative,
as Einstein says, École des Loisirs, 1999).
The life of Albert Einstein, with a complete explanation of the theory
of relativity at no extra charge.
This book has been translated into German and published by Bertelsmann.
An English version is available.
Jeanne Darc (École des Loisirs, 1999).
The real life of Jeannette, whose name never was Jeanne dArc. With
battles, a coronation and two strange saints. A story that doesnt
end well, but theres nothing I can do about it.
Jeanne dArc et son temps (Joan of Arc and her times, Mango,
I like Jeannette so much that I also made this illustrated book with art
director Michel Coudeyre.
Youve certainly heard about Joan of Arc, but did you know she was
condemned to death and burned for wearing pants?
This book is out of print. You can download the text in the French eBooks
section of this site.
Une nouvelle vie, Malvina (A new life, Malvina, École
des Loisirs, 2000).
The narrator of this book is my mother. She tells her life from her birth
to the end of the war.
Twice, she thought she was beginning a new life: when she left Poland
to live in Paris; when, after the uncertainties of the war, she moved
into a nice apartment with Lonek and me. Is this possible? Can we live
several lives?
An English version is available.
Lonek le hussard (Lonek the hussar, École des Loisirs,
The narrator is my father. He grew up in an inn where hussars belonging
to the army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire danced with mysterious ladies
to the sound of beer-drinking musicians. He studied piano in Poland, then
medicine in Paris. All the nurses fell in love with him when he played
Chopin. He volunteered to fight in the French Army, then in the French
Résistance. He met Malvina. One of his mistresses denounced him
out of jealousy. He spent one year in Auschwitz. He says that on September
23, 1944, at 4 AM, he felt an unexplained pain in his belly. This is the
exact time and date of my birth.
An English version is available.
Les souffrances du jeune Mozart (The suffering of young Mozart,
École des Loisirs, 2001).
I wrote one half of this book. Who wrote the second half? Mozart himself!
Having neither asked for his authorization nor shared my royalties with
him, I quoted many letters he wrote his parents, his sister and his cousin.
They reveal a strange character, obsessed by various body fluids and natural
functions. A proud genius, in love with freedom, who chooses to be poor
rather than obey a stupid prince. A tender lover, who put more love into
music than anybody ever did.
This book has been translated into German and published by Bertelsmann.
Sans accent (No accent, École des Loisirs, 2002).
The narrator is the son of Lonek and Malvina. A clone of myself, in a
As soon as I can understand the words bathroom and gas,
I learn that my father survived a camp where mothers and children were
sent to gas chambers disguised as bathrooms. As a consequence, I become
quite distrustful. I dont tell my pals I am Jewish. Next time the
nazis come, Ill flee to America.
A peculiar feature of this story is that Lonek and Malvina, who were glorious
heroes in their own books, become horrible tyrants in this one.
Mes enfants, cest la guerre (École des Loisirs,
I based De trop longues vacances (see Biography) on what Madame Christiane
told me about her war experiences in the Mimizan vacation camp during
the war. After her death (in 1997, aged 91), I met her elder son and other
wartime campers. They provided extra material, which I used to write this
new improved story.
An English version is available.
Le roi de lautostop (The king of hitchhikers, École
des Loisirs, 2003).
In Sans accent, I study hard to enter one of the best French universities.
In this book, I take well-deserved vacations. At 16, I discover the United
States and fall in love with all the American girls I meet. I visit Italy,
Greece and Israel. I fight bravely against the giant mosquitoes who lurk
along the Tiber, I sleep in king Minoss palace, I vaccinate hens
in a kibbutz. In 1963, at 18, I hitchhike to India via Turkey, Iran and
Pakistan. This book contains an exclusive portrait of Brigitte Bardot
drawn for villagers in the Iranian desert.
Nine Eleven (École des Loisirs, 2003) .
This book follows several people on September 11, 2001: a group of senior
students in Peter Stuyvesant high school, located a few blocks from the
twin towers; some of their parents; kids and teachers in Independance
School, a primary school in the same neighborhood; and also, people in
the towers.
In a kind of parallel narrative, the book explains how the towers burned
and collapsed.
This book has been translated into Spanish and published by Alianza Editorial
(for adults).
An English version is available.
La cigale et la télé (The cicada and TV, École
des Loisirs, 2004).
French schoolchildren learn Les fables de La Fontaine, a series
of poems inspired by Aesopuss fables. This book contains a selection
of the poems by La Fontaine, each being followed by a parody or variation
in classical verse. No English version will ever be available.
Einstein, lhomme qui chevauchait la lumière (Einstein,
the man who rode light, Éditions de lArchipel, 2005).
Considering I had already written a book about Einstein, a publisher commissioned
this book from me to celebrate the centennial of Einsteins miracle
year: in 1905, he published four articles that changed the world,
or at least the world of physics.
This book is less of a novel than the previous one, as Einstein does not
speak in the first person. I worked hard at making the physics crystal
clear, with lots of little pictures. I cant guarantee that if you
read my two Einstein books youll definitely understand the theory
of relativity, but I can say that by writing them I certainly improved
my knowledge of modern physics.
Jai mal aux maths, mais je me soigne (La Martinière
Jeunesse, 2006).
This book is based on the following idea: Mathematics have been
invented by fools like you and me, so any fool can understand them.
I drew the pictures myself, according to the idea that Drawing has
been invented by fools like you and me, so any fool can draw.
Galilée et les poissons rouges (Galileo and the goldfish,
Le Pommier, 2010).
He invented modern science. He also wrote the first book about modern
science (which includes a wonderful demonstration with goldfish). All
his troubles came from his book. He was a martyr of literature as well
as of science. He was condemned for a sin he was guilty of, so the Church
cant rehabilitate him.
Albert & Marilyn (Le Pommier, 2011).
A French cousin of Marilyn Monroe’s half-sister brought me a notebook she had found in an old suitcase. She came to me because she liked the book I had written about Marilyn.
The notebook contained a series of conversations between Marilyn and Albert Einstein, which Marilyn herself had recorded and transcribed. I typed them and translated them into French. I added a few technical drawings, an afterword, etc.
I am quite sure that some American publisher will publish the original text eventually. Until one of them does,
you can download it right here:
Albert & Marilyn
(This is the English version: the & sign stands for “and”, not “et” as above.)
Le fil à recoudre les âmes (The Soul-mending Thread, École des Loisirs,
Why do people suddenly call Kenichiro “You Jap”? Why is he sent with his family to a camp in the middle of Arizona? Isn’t he an ordinary American boy? He is born in Los Angeles, he goes to school at Thomas Jefferson High. Things really get strange when the Government decides to consider him a Japanese prisoner of war.
Yuriko is really Japanese. She lives in Hiroshima.
This novel tells the unlikely meeting of Yuriko and Kenichiro in 1944, while their two countries are at war.
An English version is available.
Le retour de Christophe Colomb (Christopher Colombus returns, École des Loisirs, 2014).
The crews grumble. Where are the golden pagodas of Cipango? The journey has already lasted much longer than planned. Christopher Colombus himself is beginning to worry.
He gives in eventually: The sailors are right—we’re not getting anywhere. He decides to turn back. He settles near Cadiz as a carpenter.
Will he travel again?
An English version is available. |