Cultural Policies Collection - Journals Last update of this file: 16/11/2007 
 Restricted Area > List of Journals > Boekman


Boekmanstichting (NL)
Previous title: Boekmancahier 
Holdings: 1999-2004 
Available tables of contents:
No. 60, zomer 2004
No. 58-59, voorjaar 2004
No. 57, herfst 2003
No. 56, June 2003
No. 55, March 2003
No. 54, December 2002
No. 53, September 2002
No. 52, June 2002
No. 51, March 2002
No. 50, December 2001
No. 49, September 2001
No. 45, September 2000
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