Economia della cultura
4 - 2004

  The thematic section of this issue is dedicated to the topic of culture and social cohesion: Matarasso reviews the various arguments legitimising public cultural investment; Sacco and Zarri highlight the conditions under which culture becomes an effective vehicle of social integration; Mazzanti deals with evaluation and monitoring activities in the heritage field which are required to grasp the larger role of heritage in public policies; Gordon reports on ongoing research on the role of culture in national social cohesion policies; two articles describe the situation related to culture and social cohesion in Italy and the UK, and two other articles look more specifically at examples with integrating effects from the museum and theatre sectors. 

Also the documentary section includes research notes illustrating figures and examples related to culture and cultural heritage as tools for social cohesion.

Among the other articles, several discuss, from various perspectives, the new Italian law on cultural and landscape assets which came into force in 2004.

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