Etudes - revue de culture contemporaine
novembre 2007

  Edited by the Jesuits, this French monthly journal engages in a wide range of cultural, social and political issues, many of international scope.

The editorial is dedicated to the dying river Rhône in France, polluted by PCB, a group of industrial chemicals which have toxic effects.

Of interest: the article on the changes of Al Qaïda since 2001 (p.440-450). The Essay of the month is dedicated to the role of the church, as part of civil society, in democratic societies (p.487-497).

The articles section is complemented by a "Carnet" which reviews topical cultural events in France such as theatre pieces, films, television programmes, exhibitions, concerts and books, both fiction and non-fiction.

The detailed table of contents with abstracts and some extracts is available online on the publisher's website at this external link.

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