Iris - Legal Observations of the 
European Audiovisual Observatory
no. 4, 2006

  As usual, this journal provides news on legal developments in Europe in the fields of broadcasting and new media.

This issue summarises, inter alia, the European Commission's plan towards a European Digital Library; it includes the creation of a European-wide network of digitisation centres, as well as of a High Level Group of major stakeholders from industry and cultural institutions for building public-private partnerships.

Also of interest is the Opinion of the Advisory Committee on the implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Kosovo, specifying requirements for broadcasting to expand the scope and diversity for and by minority communities.

The supplement to this issue, Iris plus, deals with reporting rights for major sporting and cultural events; Schoenthal examines in this report the current legal provisions in European law which stipulate who may broadcast what and when, considering also the European Convention on Transfrontier Television. Iris plus is available for download in English, French and German from the Observatory's website at this external link.

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