LE WTC EN 3D court-métrage

"TIME SCALE" 2'30"

02/2002 : 1er Prix animation

Festival International du Cinéma Numérique (Vierzon)

Copyleft short-movie (Ctrl+click to download to disk)

Ipod video version : 11 Mo

DIVX : 12 Mo

MPG (good quality)MAC-PC : 18 Mo

Quicktime : 9 Mo 18 Mo

Real Media : BIG

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SEPTEMBRE 2002 Nouveau !!!

Série d'animation 3D en français !!!!


Chill out at "the Garden of Eden"

Pour s'apaiser, un détour par "le Jardin d'Eden"

Time Scale



mail to lolicht

Reactions :

Canal+ Belgique:

"Un hymne à la joie de la vie sur fond d'apocalypse. 'Time Scale' est un court métrage d'animation fascinant, qui remet les choses à leur place. La vie est belle, alors pourquoi tout faire exploser? Pourquoi le terrorisme? Pourquoi le WTC? Cliquez ici, et laissez-vous emporter par ce brillant court métrage"

Anonymous :

"Good work! Having watched the WTC attack in person on my way to work I've been pretty sensitized to people trying to use it in their own work, but I like the concept of the media dream state being shattered. I looked at some other work by this person about the Garden of Eden that also had a poignant message (interesting way of making the foliage - it's nice to see 3d not done in an "obvious" way). It's good to see some 3d and CGI that has some kind of concept or opinion to it. Having worked in the above for some seven years now, it is obvious that the hardest thing for most of us is not how to do IK or sculpt a subdivision surface or effectively simulate radiosity; it's coming up with an original idea!"

Pour s'apaiser, un détour par "le Jardin d'Eden"

Chill out at "the Garden of Eden"

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