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Apartament Rio de Janeiro

Lands of Le Blond, the blond, Leblon

To facilitate the communication with the Cariocas (people who are born in Rio de Janeiro), the such citizen, whose last name nobody more remembers, current land owner that extended from the Avenue Bartolomeu Mitre til the old Leblon Hotel, located well in the beginning of the Niemeyer Avenue - it was presented as Le Blond, whose meaning, literally, wants to say "the blond guy". The language of the people rolled a little here, a little there and left the name as "Leblon". Depositions made in registers of people exist, whom if they related to the Frenchman as a kind man, affectionate. It is, then, a certainty: the lands of Mr. Le Blond had passed to be known as "The Good" and (or in portuguese "o bom", and finally, "Leblon". Even because, foreseeing its history, the people seemed to know very well that the blonds would continue being minority for here... Until the end of the passed century, what today it represents one the more coveted ground of the country, without doubts, one of the most charming of the city was nothing more than an immense areal covered of pitangueiras and devoided of drinking waters. But, history apart, for the characteristic of the French men kindness, sympatic as someone could be, as good Carioca who was, João Fontes decrees: - It had the face of the Leblon. He was the certain man in the certain place...

An Island that turner into a village
Until the end of séc. XIX and beginning of séc. XX, the Leblon practically did not exist as a village. Irony for a place that as much is proud of its Rio City, its astral and attractive at that time was of difficult access. Almost an island, since the waters of the Lagoon Rodrigo de Freitas joined it the sea where it is today the Garden of Alah (jardim de Alah). There formed the bank of the lagoon enters an ample canal of difficult passage, even though for the adventurers more deloused of fear and with physical advantage, and another one, of the street of Visconde de Albuquerque. Well different of that it is today, this canal had plenty of lobsters and shrimps and its water was clean and crystalline. In 1918 the first linking with Ipanema was through the Avenue Delfim Moreira. The access was made by the beach. The Leblon, for cause of this difficulty of passage or linking, as they had always made question to emphasize the engineers of the time, was behind in relation to its neighbors: Ipanema and Copacabana. All this was because the tram, first pulled by donkeys, and later the electric energy, the known Light, only went until the Ipanema neighbor. The Leblon, with certainty, wanted to regain the lost time.


And the origin of everything, if we can possibly get till there..... is telled here from the people and the historians, researchers and professor Milton Teixeira. All region of the coast, that is, from Leme to Leblon, belonged to a called Portuguese Alfonso Fernandes and its woman Owner Domingas Fernandes. Dissatisfied with the widowhood, she donated the enormous lands in 1666 for the City council of Rio De Janeiro. These lands had been later deliver to called farmer Sebastião Fagundes Varela, who created cattle and finished increasing its richness - that was not small -, since he also was land proprietor that extended from Humaitá to the Lagoon Rodrigo de Freitas. And, according to Milton Teixeira, the revenge, came very quickly, since one of the predicates of the such man was not his character.


In 1702 the granddaughter of it inherited everything. She was on her fifties and a single lady. It was then that a captain of 18 years old arrived and married such woman.The lands had again been sold to the Aldonsa Da Silva Rosa, a woman who, irony of the destiny, would be the perfect incarnation of the girl of Ipanema. Years later, she sold lands for the such good-natured Frenchman, charles Le Blond, in 1809. The "minino do Rio"of the time, let us say thus for the robbing of its action and attitudes, had a company of fish called Alliance. In 1836 he sold a large state to the notary Francisco Jose Fialho. Fialho divided that land into parcels and sold big parcels of Copacabana and all Ipanema, for the known baron of Ipanema. Already the corresponding region to the Leblon, was with the Portuguese Jose de Seixas Magalhães, admirable figure. The century already bordered and the village continued being a species of appendix of gavea. But the courage of tamers that believe the potential of the village had initiated the opening of streets that, even though shy, had finished being the initial kick for the occupation

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