The idea of this site came to me while looking the web
for some information on Venus. Although the bulk of the
other brilliant Belgian or French rock bands have at least
one or two fansites, I sadly failed to find something else
than the official pages on Sonica,
not quite comprehensive nor glamourous. Nothing relevant
could be found elsewhere. I felt frustrated, but I soon
went back to my usual activities, letting my thirst for
Venus-related info aside. A few months passed.
Then came Google.
Behind this weird name stands the most efficient search
engine for the web ever (if you're not familiar why, just
take a look at their genious
algorithm). Really. Just try and compare it with any
other engine. A miracle.
I searched for things like "venus band" or "welcome
modern dancehall". And I found articles, interviews,
reviews. Good stuff, at least, but no site fully dedicated
to the band. If Google can't find it, then it sure doesn't
even exist. But Venus would deserve one, don't they ?
By the same time, I found myself with a bit of free time,
both personnaly as some of my other (non web-related) projects
came to an end, and professionally as my job went through
a quiet (did i say boring ?) phase. Naively enthusiast as
I am, this was enough to convince me to do it...
The first (serious) fansite about the Belgian rock band
Venus. Waoow. And all my friends who thought I would grow
up someday.
Thanks to my previous web experiences, I knew the time
and effort required to create web pages worth of the time
people would spend on it, especially for such a large project.
I hunted for material (articles, pictures, lyrics...) for
a large part of february 2001, while looking for layout
ideas. The actual realisation of Out of Breath took place
during all of march 2001. Fully aware of my own limitations,
I stuck to sobriety in the design, or at least my own version
of sobriety.
This website was first put online the 5th of April, 2001.