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27 mars 2003

[fr] TELE Marc A. Huyghens et Pierre Jacqmin ont été les invités de l'émission "L'autre Journal" sur la chaîne de télévision locale Télé-Bruxelles cette semaine. Cette émission est visionnable sur internet (cliquez sur la télévision du "Mardi") pendant quelques jours. Les interventions des deux lurons se concentrent vers 16'30 et 37'00.
[merci à Jean-Alexandre]

[ Emmanuel, 23:33 ]

21 mars 2003

PRESS Added a few recent press articles (in French). Check them out.

Also, a new concert (the third in a row) saturday, april 12th, at the Halles de Schaerbeek (BXL) ! The full tour on the 'What's Hot ?' page.
[thanks to jean-alexandre !]

[ Emmanuel, 22:39 ]

15 mars 2003

SO DISCO Today, I've updated the Vertigone page in the discography.

Guitar tabs for Wanda Wultz added, thanks to Jean-Emmanuel B.

Also, Venus in front cover of the current issue of french magazine Compact. (thanks to simonb)

[ Emmanuel, 17:20 ]

13 mars 2003

SONGBOOK The songbook has been updated with all the songs from Vertigone, and the tour page has been updated too.
More details about the forthcoming tour.

And a review of Vertigone, in french, in Les Inrockuptibles.

[ Emmanuel, 17:36 ]

10 mars 2003

RADIO Last monday, Venus were on belgian Radio 21. On their site, a page about this event where you can hear the live versions of Wanda Wultz and Love is Blindness (a U2 cover !, from their most listenable album), and see some pictures of this session.
As a (great!!) bonus, you can see the ten minutes' E.P.K. (electronic press kit), it's what they call the "video clip".

Oh, and to the people of Radio 21 : last monday was march 3rd, not august... belgian beer is good, ain't it ?
[thanks to jean-alexandre]

Also, on the Ouï FM website, you can win copies of Vertigone and of what seems like a bonus CD (!!). It may be easier to participate if you speak french...
[thanks to simon]

[ Emmanuel, 22:12 ]

06 mars 2003

TOUR Some informations about the forthcoming concerts added.

[ Emmanuel, 14:21 ]

04 mars 2003

VERTIGONE ...is out today ! It's time to get your copy !

PRESS La dernière heure : Venus sur orbite.
Check also in Belgium "Le Vif L'Express" n°2695 (from this week), and in France "Rock & Folk" n°427 (march 2003) for reviews of Vertigone (4 out of 5 -- "excellent" -- in the latter).
[thanks to jean-philippe and jean-alexandre]

[ Emmanuel, 10:42 ]
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