Blown by the Wind
Music by : Marc Huyghens
Lyrics by : Marc Huyghens

Published by : ?

I was a vision in another eye and it saw nothing
I was a hidden word in another mouth and it said nothing
I was a child and I thought I was free

I was a spoiled skin in another body breathing life
I was a tired foot that still had to walk thousand miles
I was a man and I thought I was free
I got the right
I got the right to be

Blown by the wind
Blown by the wind

I was a feeling in another heart and it was crying
I was a teardrop on another face and it was raining
And I was you and you thought you were free
You got the right
You got the right to be

Blown by the wind
Blown by the wind
Blown by the wind
Blown by the wind

- Blown by the wind is a song from Marc A. Huyghens to be included in his possible solo album. He started his acoustic concerts of the early 2002 solo tour by this song.
Many thanks to Wasky and Marc.
You won't tell me, I know it's hard
To keep your dream alive
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