TQSpiderGraph  screenshots.

(TQSpiderGraph (v 1.0) is a Delphi freeware visual component, designed and tested using Delphi 6 PE. It comes under the form of a Delphi unit and a "ready to install" component.
It is under copyright © 2004 by Olivier Touzot. It can be found on the web at

Here are somme screenshots of TQSpideGraphs :

A basic example;

Lines' captions' box can be displayed or not ;
The graph can show any number of axes and lines ;
Appearance of almost everything can be easily changed.

(The datas shown on this graph are for demonstration only, come from several sources on
  the net and may be totaly wrong...)

Most of the parts of a graph can be changed. Above, the title position was changed to "bottom".

The graph reacts to mouse moves. It may fire some mouse events telling you which line has just been entered or exited, and can show (or not) a box containing the values of this line too;

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