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DG IV - Council of Europe
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New Acquisitions
March 2006


This list provides references of articles, documents and books recently arrived at the Cultural Policies Collection.

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Balibar, Étienne
We, the people of Europe? : reflections on transnational citizenship. - Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2004. - xi, 291 p. - ISBN 0-691-08990-6
This book deals with the European construction and unification process from a political theory perspective. It comprises eleven papers and lectures which Balibar delivered between 1991 and 2002 on questions of state theory, national sovereignty, immigration, democracy and violence, and which result in a critique of the concept of European citizenship adopted by the European Union. Of special importance in the author's argumentation are borders as non-democratic conditions of democratic institutions. The exclusion of non-Europeans - he calls that "European Apartheid" - is particularly evident in the constitution of European citizenship which is only attributed to nationals of the EU member countries. He proposes instead a citizenship of residence, detached from national definitions and disengaged from all myths of European identity, which could give democratic legitimacy to the new political entity at supranational level. The final chapter deals with a role for Europe in the context of global power relations. The book does not offer pragmatic solutions and easy replies, but it spells out a vision of a genuinely democratic Europe.
Keywords: nationality - European Union - European integration - boundaries - state - sovereignty - immigrants - cultural pluralism - social participation - political participation - violence - national identity - conflict resolution - collective security - EU policy - international relations - political theory - marxism
Call number: CP.A.2/42
Council of Europe. European Audiovisual Observatory
Economy of the radio and television industry in Europe : yearbook 2005. Volume 1 = Economie du secteur de la radio et de la télévision en Europe : annuaire 2005. Volume 1 = Wirtschaftliche Lage des Hörfunk- und Fernsehsektors in Europa : Jahrbuch 2005. Band 1. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2005. - 160 p. : tables and graphs. - ISBN 92-871-5784-7
The first volume of the yearbook 2005 provides a detailed economic analysis of television companies throughout Europe, looking also at the financial situation of the radio sector. Audiovisual companies and markets are first presented in the global context, then the radio and television companies in a European summary. Financial data of television companies is also given in a country by country approach for 31 European countries. The final section is dedicated to advertising expenditure. Whereas the financial situation of the TV sector as a whole has improved, the results vary from country to country, and the branch remains in deficit.
Keywords: statistical data - broadcasting industry - Europe - market structure - enterprises - finance - economic conditions - international trade - television programmes - advertising - cultural industry
Call number: CP.D.1.1/11 (Vol. 1)
Council of Europe. European Audiovisual Observatory
Household audiovisual equipment - transmission - television audience : yearbook 2005. Volume 2 = Equipement audiovisuel des ménages - transmission - audience de la télévision : annuaire 2005. Volume 2 = Audiovisuelle Ausstattung der Haushalte - Übertragungswege - Fernsehreichweiten : Jahrbuch 2005. Band. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2005. - 112 p. : tables and graphs. - ISBN 92-871-5785-5
The second volume of the yearbook 2005 provides statistical reference of the European audiovisual sector regarding equipment, transmission and audience. The statistics on household equipment cover television sets, video cassette and DVD players etc. as well as household expenditure on this. The section on transmission concerns the television connection technology and the financial situation of transmission companies. The television audience statistics inform on daily viewing time, subscribers to digital packages and audience market share.
Keywords: statistical data - television - Europe - TV/radio equipment - households - broadcasting technology - enterprises - consumption - televiewers - market structure - cultural industry
Call number: CP.D.1.1/11 (Vol. 2)
Council of Europe. European Audiovisual Observatory
Film and home video : yearbook 2005. Volume 3 = Cinéma, vidéo : annuaire 2005. Volume 3 = Film- und Videoindustrie : Jahrbuch. Band 3. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2005. - 111 p. : tables and graphs. - ISBN 92-871-5786-3
The third volume of the yearbook 2005 provides statistical reference of the film and video market in Europe. The statistics give detailed information on film production, including video and DVD publishing, distribution and exhibition, cinema attendance, economy of the film industry, as well as on public funding for the film and audiovisual industry in Europe.
Keywords: statistical data - film industry - Europe - international trade - cinema attendance - recordings - distribution - market structure - state aid - cultural industry
Call number: CP.D.1.1/11 (Vol. 3)
Council of Europe. European Audiovisual Observatory
Multimedia and new technologies : yearbook 2005. Volume 4 = Multimédia et nouvelles technologies : annuaire 2005. Volume 4 = Multimedia und neue Technologien : Jahrbuch 2005. Band 4. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2005. - 112 p. : tables and graphs. - ISBN 92-871-5787-1
The forth volume of the yearbook 2005 provides statistical reference of the interactive leisure and online market in Europe. The statistics cover videogames publishing, on-line connectivity and entertainment e-commerce, online distribution of films, electronic cinema and supplier companies such as film laboratories. For the first time, also the latest developments of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), video-on-demand, mobile TV and Digital Video Home Broadcasting (DVB-H) are reported.
Keywords: statistical data - electronic publishing - Europe - online systems - entertainment - video games - electronic media - enterprises - film industry - Internet - market structure
Call number: CP.D.1.1/11 (Vol. 4)
Council of Europe. European Audiovisual Observatory
Television channels -- programme production and distribution : yearbook 2005. Volume 5 = Les châines de télévision, production et distribution des oeuvres audiovisuelles : annuaire 2005. Volume 5 = Fernsehsender -- Programmproduktion und -handel : Jahrbuch 2005. Band 5. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2005. - 128 p. : tables and graphs. - ISBN 92-871-5789-8
The fifth volume of the yearbook 2005 provides statistical reference of television channels, programmes and production in Europe. Subjects covered include the television channel supply, national TV landscapes, television output by genre, the fiction programme market, as well as television production and distribution companies.
Keywords: statistical data - television - Europe - enterprises - market structure
Call number: CP.D.1.1/11 (Vol. 5)
Hartley, John (ed.)
Creative industries. - Oxford etc. : Blackwell, 2005. - xvii, 414 p. - ISBN 1-4051-0148-2
This collection of essays brings together various perspectives on the creative industries which, taken together, map the subject from an interdisciplinary and intersectoral point of view. The introductory chapter by Hartley provides an overview, traces the shift from creative arts to creative industries, and offers a reader's guide to the contents of the volume. The contributions, many previously published elsewhere, are grouped into six sections which approach different aspects of the creative industries. Each section is introduced by an editor who presents and summarises the collected papers. The first section is dedicated to creative production and participation in public spaces. The articles in the "Creative identities" section are concerned with the link between identity and creativity, exploring how individual ideas, talent, experience, lifestyle and work connect (or not) to creative industries, and how, in the knowledge economy, cultural consumption is a part of cultural creation, an act of authorship. Section III deals with creative practices of individuals and groups, highlighting the impact of cultural, economic and technological changes, and pointing out the role of creativity in education. Contributions in the "Creative cities" section look at urban development, creative quarters, cultural clusters and networking. Section V explores how creative enterprises have been and might be viewed through a policy and industry development perspective. The final section "Creative economy" deals with the rise of the cultural capitalism through the culturalisation of economic life, the precarious working conditions in the creative sector, and the requirements for cultural policy making in the global information economy.
Keywords: compilation - cultural industry - creativity - cultural creation - cultural participation - cultural users - broadcasting - cinema - Internet - publishing industry - cultural identity - life styles - cultural behaviour - cultural education - fashion industry - urban areas - urban renewal - local level - enterprises - entrepreneurs - policy making - cultural personnel - working conditions - technological change - cultural change - economic integration
Call number: CP.B.4.2/35
Hurstel, Jean
Réenchanter la ville, voyage dans dix villes culturelles européennes. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2006. - 184 p. - ISBN 2-296-00326-5
This book is an account of local cultural action across European towns and neighbourhoods. The author, president of the network Banlieues d'Europe, narrates his experience with urban cultural action in European cities, illustrating an alternative, more convivial, more solidary, and, above all, more imaginative approach to participative cultural life in cities today. He presents activities and events like the Zinneke parade in Brussels which promote at the same time artistic creativity and community participation. The stories - rather anecdotes - are juxtaposed like snapshots, leading from Vienna to Belfast, over Belgrade, Brussels, Glasgow, Frankfurt to Lyon and Turin, to Setubal and Porto. In many cases, the voices of the local actors are reported as well. The book demonstrates that a more human vision of urban life is possible despite the presence of borders of all kinds.
Keywords: cultural action - urban areas - community participation - cultural participation - social integration - cultural events - urban renewal - popular culture - Austria - Belgium - United Kingdom - France - Germany - Serbia - Italy - Portugal
Call number: CP.B.12.2/26
Madden, Christopher
"Indicators for arts and cultural policy : a global perspectives". In: Cultural trends 55 = Vol. 14(3) September 2005, p. 217-247
Based on a longer research report by IFACCA of 2005, this article deals with statistical indicators for monitoring and evaluating arts and cultural policies. The author identifies current activities related to the development of quantitative cultural indicators worldwide, reviews the literature (mainly of English language), raises a number of analytical and theoretical issues with a view to future development work, and summarises some main "good practice" recommendations for using and developing cultural indicators. The author argues that improving cultural indicators is not simply about improving statistical methods, it is also about understanding better the nature of arts and cultural activities, and the complex interrelationships between statistics and policy practice.
Keywords: cultural indicators - policy making - monitoring - evaluation - cultural objectives - cultural research - cultural statistics - practical aspect - methodology - international cooperation
Call number: CP.J CT55_217-247
Throsby, David; Withers, Glenn
The economics of the performing arts. - London : Edward Arnold, 1979. - 348 p. - ISBN 0-7131-6266-X
This monograph presents an economic mapping of the performing arts industry, covering the live production of theatre, music, opera and ballet, and considering companies, audiences and administrative bodies. It is divided into three parts. The first is a general and theoretical discussion of the performing arts industry. The second provides detailed empirical data on the sector and on its funding aids, drawing on experience from Australia, but making also reference to the United Sates, United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand. Policy issues and matters of arts administration are discussed in Part III. In the concluding chapter, the authors review the current challenges that face the performing arts.
Keywords: economics of culture - performing arts - cultural organisations - enterprises - supply and demand - cultural finance - state aid - cultural statistics - theatre - music - dance - cultural users - cultural administration - music - Australia - USA - UK - Canada - New Zealand - methodology - theoretical aspect
Call number: CP.B.4.1/19

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