L'Observatoire des politiques culturelles
no. 30, été 2006


Of special interest in this number is the second part of the dossier on the challenges of cultural diversity (the first part appeared in no. 29). Contributors continue to speculate on the consequences of the UNESCO Convention, pinning down necessary cultural policy measures at international, national and local levels for its implementation. Paumier, for example, considers the new instrument a catalyst for cultural co-operation; Cvjeticanin deals with methodological and evaluation problems; Khaznadar looks at foreign cultures in France, questioning the credibility of the French cultural policy; Farchy draws the link to the current debate on copyright and digital rights management.

Furthermore, several examples are presented such as the English diversity policy (Matarasso); the French policy concerning arts and cultural education (Chaintreau); an interview with Raspail of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon on diversity in today's art.

Abstracts are accessible online on the website of the Observatoire at this external link.

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