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В данном разделе приведена информация об официальном проекте ЮНЕСКО "Игры и образование"

Games and Education


Our society lives even on this moment a great techno-linguistics revolution : the mechanisation of the privileged forms of the human communication, thanks to the electronic processing of information. Today, pedagogic policies have to be based more on free production, exchanges and information flows. Internet makes it possible to do simply, practically, permanently and cheaply the exchange between schools of various countries.

Services off line, CD ROMs allow to constitute collections of educational, cultural and ludic titles and to consult them with its suitability without passing by the filter of a server.
This is why we propose to create under the aegis of UNESCO a CD-ROM "Games and Education" which will be used as teaching support for pupils, families and teachers. It will make it possible to prepare schools with the launching of the "UNESCO ludic WebSite" intended mainly for the stimulation of inter-school exchanges and intercultural, with the diffusion of informations in the fields of Education, Culture, Sciences and the scientific popularisation.

II. Justification of the project 

a) Current situation

The great parlour games belong to the most perfect creations of human engineering. Almost all children know Chess and the Ladies ; much of children from Asia are interested by Go ; African children play Mancala (more than two hundred alternatives exist : Akonga, Awele, Toguz Khorgol, Wali, etc…).
Teachers and parents can use this quasi-spontaneous motivation of children for the great parlour games in order to arouse their interests for scholar disciplines.

Thus Chess make it possible to children to accomplish enthralling travels in the time, during 2500 years, and in the space. Indeed, several games of strategy of hunting (Fox and hens, Hnefatef etc…) were known in Europe before the arrival of Chess. It is in Vst. century before Jesus-Christ that in India Asthtapada appears, game of chance reasoned with the apron with 64 boxes. Later, one played on this plate with the chataranga, whose four armies are placed at the four angles (king, elephant, horse, ship and four pawns - infantrymen). Towards 450 after Jesus-Christ, the new game expresses its immense influence in Persia, the structure of the play becomes the one we know. When Arabs conquered Persia, they discovered and transmitted the set of Chess to Europe, where it begins its triumphal functioning.

Chess are not only one game to play : it is also a game to think and dream. Thus some authors start, as of the XIIIst century end, to compose no longer of the novels but of true treaties which are interpretations morals, legal or philosophical of the set of Chess. The most famous is the "Liber de moribus hominum" written by italian dominican Jacques de Cessoles, kind of political treaty of ethics where each part of the game is associated with a class or social category. This work has quickly been translated into french (Game of Chess moralised) and then adapted or imitated in the major of vernaculars languages.
Such an original work in its way of presenting the didactic and moral contents aroused the very sharp interest in the french nobility, worried by the education and the intellectual training of its children. Evrard de Conty in "Book of Chess in love" replaced this lesson at the same time in a flexible and well-articulated unit, connected to the exercise of the fascinating games of Chess.

Indeed, intellectual games support the formation of creative imagination and internal discipline, spirit of observation and reflection, strengthen character and memory, give a great esthetic pleasure, are useful for a harmonious development.

The Chinese game, Weiqi which is more known under the Japanese denomination Go, was already very widespread since Vst. century before Jesus-Christ. Under Han, (206 before J.-C.). It became a game of awakening to military strategy : one mentions well before this date the existence of Masters, specialised in his teaching, divided into three categories. Under Tang, at the VIIIst. century, one establishes an honorary title of the imperial Academy reserved to the art of Weiqi.

The richness of the game of Go largely overflows the strictly ludic field since it enables him to be also an astonishing model of analysis of laws and socio-economical and military behaviours. Today, many specialists in Asia are convinced that it is in qualities and clean virtues of a game like Go, as a cultural and behaviourist model, that it is necessary to see also an explanation of the emergence of economic success of Japan, Korea, and China on the scale of Earth.

It appears thus probable that the origin of a vast family of intellectual games Mancala (Akonga, Awele, Toguz Khorgol, Wali etc.) go up around 4000 years before Jesus-Christ. First less powerful than the game of Go on many plans, Awele has however the merit to be easier access, faster to play, less stressing and probably more " funny ".

This selection of the great parlour games must be supplemented by others traditional and modern games widespread (Domino, Scrabble, Archery, Badmington, etc…). They cause the quasi-spontaneous motivation of children able to be transformed into interest for scholar disciplines and with the desire of communication and information exchanges with children of others countries.

b) Expected results

The CD-ROM "Games and Education" will have the following components :
LUDIC. Versions of the sets of Chess, Ladies, Mancala and certain modern games (within the limit of the authorization of the holders of the intellectual property) with the possibilities of playing easily by Internet, E-mail or by traditional correspondences.

HISTORY. Illustrated stories of these games with pictures selections, the extracts of works literary, historical, teaching and philosophical from various times and countries. History of a game will be used as discussion thread to tell and explain history of various civilizations and countries.

GEOGRAPHIC. Reports and accounts abundantly illustrated on children life and schools from various countries and their ludic and creative activities, on their geographical environment.
LITERACY. The CD-ROM will contain an illustrated anthology and literary extracts of works from various times : Amphis, " Players of dice " (ancient Greece, comedy), Alexander Pouchkine " the Queen of spades " (1833), Fedor Dostoievski " the player " (1867), Vladimir Nabokov " The defence of Loujine " (1930), etc. One will publish the extracts of contemporary works in the forms authorized by the royalty: Yasunari Kawabata " the Master or the Tournament of Go" (1975), Hermann Hesse "Set of glass shots" (1942), Stefan Zweig "The player of chess" (1943), etc…
ARTISTIC. Works relating to games : "scenes of play of senet" (Egypt, from 2000 before J.C.), "paintings on manuscript of the Shah-name" (XI century Iranian epic), Lucas de Leyde "the Part of chess" (1508), Pierre Bruegel "Children's games" (1560), George de la Tour, "the cheater" (1630), Auguste de Saint-Aubin "Games of the Small Rascals of Paris" (1770), Francisco de Goya "the Puppet" (1792), etc…These works give the opportunity of historical and cultural comments.
CULTURAL. It is known that the sultan, at the court of Grenade, already in 1408, gave spectacles of alive chess. Since, hundreds of alive parts were conceived giving place to very diverse events. Thus a spectacle on the great place of Marostica, close to Venice, is organized each year in September.
MATHEMATIC. Children need to pass by practical activities before reaching theoretical activities. Then, they appear easily in the theory if their advance were respected. Several games thus help to be familiarized with the handling of numbers. Games always have elements that make it possible to draw up a relationship between ludic activity and mathematical concepts. The ludic practice can help children with implant mathematical concepts and thus be used as starting point with the development of its mathematical culture.
PEDAGOGIC. This component will contain recommendations on the practical methods of the use of games as teaching support. CD ROM "Games and Education" will contain the UNESCO Documentation, created within the frameworks of programs "Education for all", "Project 2000+", etc…
MULTIMEDIA. CD ROM will contain models of Internet sites for Schools, Associations and Clubs, personal pages for pupils in order to facilitate their participation in the activities of the "UNESCO Ludic WebSite" intended mainly for the stimulation of inter-scholar exchanges and the diffusion of information in the fields of Education, Culture, Sciences and scientific popularisation.

c) UNESCO Participation 
Since its foundation, UNESCO endeavours to promote the world information exchange in the education field. It gathers information on the most outstanding aspects of education and redistributes it by way of its network including almost 40.000 organizations and institutions. This exchange finality is to share ideas, to make progress innovation and reforms, to support the international co-operation in the education field.
The request and the use of the UNESCO's documents and publications increase year by year. At present, with the aim of improve services rendered to all those which are concerned with education, UNESCO calls upon new technologies in order to reinforce its information exchange function of touching a larger audience and reducing the costs of distribution. It organizes the intellectual co-operation at the world level around problems arising from their applications.
UNESCO wants to fully play its role of organization with intellectual vocation, to advance reflections in the field of its competence for better managing its actions. To this end it develops in a number and quality the networks of the experts on whom it presses, reinforces and improves the co-operation with international NGO. The participation of the ONG in the work of UNESCO constitutes an average privileged person for the Organization to associate people with its work ; particularly intellectual and scientific qualified circles, just as representative movements of public opinion feels concerned with the development of education, science, culture and communication in the world.
The UNESCO's documents and publications will be largely used in CD ROM "Games and Education", the "Ludic UNESCO WebSite" will be lodged by UNESCO's provider.

d) Participation of the FIDJIP
The FIDJIP, International Federation of the JIP system (Intellectual Games of Purchasing), association of French law known as of 1901, has the role to stimulate and reinforce imagination and creativity by the pleasure and the interest of the intelligent games for all. It is at the same time an international federation of the JIPTO ; an association for amateurs of artistic and creative activities ; an association for the gifted child ; a network of experts of JIP system.
This federation was organised during the international Forum on the scientific and technological culture for all which was held in July 1993 with the Secretariat of UNESCO, by specialists in educational games on the initiative of Mr. Colin Power, then Assistant Director-General of UNESCO. Prof Grigori Tomski, detached expert at UNESCO since 1992, is given the responsibility to coordinate the activities of the FIDJIP. Its activities correspond to the program of the development of the scientific and technological culture for all (Project 2000+) and other programs of UNESCO. Pr. Tomski, according to its post office description to UNESCO, can devote 50% of its work time to the dependent activities with JIP System. The UNESCO and the FIDJIP co-operation in the field of multi-media contribute concretely and effectively to the association of innovations to the teaching evolutions.

Pr. Grigori Tomski was a former Chief of the mathematical pulpit of cybernetics of the University of Yakoutsk (Russian Federation) and of a division of the data processing of the Academy of Science of the Russian Federation. Its team of creation of works multimedia counts also M. Jerome Socie, who works with Pr. Tomski at UNESCO since 1997 and Francoise RIFF, managing company "JIPTO International", publisher of the FIDJIP and other general-purpose specialists.
They produced two CD-ROMs :"JIPTO, cultural and formative values", "Nature and Culture of Yakutia".
And Internet sites :
"The FIDJIP" (http://fidjip.multimania.com), "The World of JIPTO" (http://www.chez.com/jipto).
The FIDJIP thus has all creative and technical competences to realise this project.

III. Immediate objectives 
The alpha version of the CD-ROM "Games and Education" in French and English can be created by the team of the Prof. Grigori Tomski during one year after the beginning of the financing of the project.

IV. Long-term objectives 
The CD-ROM "Games and Education" has to be diffused with a free right of duplication and repeat broadcast. It could, under certain conditions, be integrated in the commercial CD-ROMs on the parlour games and in the educational and cultural CD-ROMs.
This multi-media product, interesting for a very large audience, will be available thus for all school establishments, families having multimedia computers and could be diffused by the associative networks.
It must facilitate their participation in the activities of the "UNESCO ludic WebSite", the inter-scholar and intercultural exchanges, and thus give access to information in the fields of Education, Culture, Sciences and the scientific popularisation.
School establishments and associations most active will then animate the life of the "UNESCO ludic WebSite", (in particular, by the FIDJIP and associated schools with UNESCO).

V Principal activities 
1. Co-ordinating meetings with the representatives of Division of basic Education of UNESCO, the FIDJIP, the Network of the associated Schools with UNESCO. 
2. Creation, collection and acquisition of the documents and iconographies. Negotiations with the holders of the royalty. 
3. Development of the final scenario of the CD-ROM according to the resources available. 
4. Drafting of the texts, production of the drawings, animations. 
5. Turning of video sequences, sound records. 
6. Digitalisation and processing of all the resources. 
7. Programming of games 
8. Creation of the basic ludic WebSite. 
9. Graphical realization, integration of the data. 
10. Creation of the alpha version. 
11. Engraving of CD-ROMs of control, tests. 
12. Creation of the beta version and tests of users. 
13. Creation of the final version and its diffusion 
Improvement of the ludic WebSite and its launching 



Copyright © FIDJIP/JIPTO International, 1999-2001