PART 2: from 5AD to 1502AD

Recovering, expanding, recovering and expanding more…

After the 5AD mark, cottage started to grow instead of farm on the major cities, as (1) happiness limits were often reached and (2) being backward was putting the game in serious danger. Not only was Louis showing with superior tech and with very few occasions of decent trades but also most of the Wonders were being “BIDAL” on the other(s) continent(s) without me having any serious change to get them.

For the following 600 years, only 2 cities were founded (picture following taken much latter) and only because of their “strategic” importance:

·         Vilcas in 215AD, on the central river with cow+flood plain, with high potential cottages with river and strong growth (short term) and possibly Big City for the end game.

·         Vilcabamba in 590, on the south-west coast to get seafood and a new luxury (west out of the pict)


Shortly after, the maintenance costs were high enough to force a 30% research rate and no city was founded for a long while.

The situation improved slowly with Code of Law (740AD), also unfortunately with missing the Great Library by 2t on the first real attempt to get a Wonder (1070AD), selling Code of Law  to Louis for 770g (1178AD, no decent needed deal possible) and building the Forbidden Palace in Corihuayrachina (1214AD, as seen with the grey star on the previous picture).

After this missed Wonder, I make sure that I get the Hanging Garden by pop-rushing in Ollantaytambo ASAP (even if it was 4t away) in 1262AD.

Once the research rate was able to get back to 60%, new cities were founded for (1) get the high food city (see after), (2) set the border with France (Louis had settle 3 cities on the north coast, and now blocked the NW jungle peninsula) and (3) settle the eastern island (at last the southern one as I let Louis get to the northern one with open borders latter without realising that).


Big city position

Around 1200AD, I checked if I could find any spot on the continent that would be better than Vilcas. Despite having a useless tile (mountain), Vilcas thanks to cow, flood plains and very few plains could reached a maximum of 77 foods. Looking at the western end of the continent, I found a potential 78 foods, with banana, rice, horse (useless), a lake (not good) and 5 plains (including horse). The spot was quickly settled in 1322AD as France was close (the horse was a lost contested tile for a long while).

Note: I didn’t see the almost all grassland on the east (for 82 foods). But since I had cities around (Huamanga in that particular case), it was anyway impossible to settle this spot.


Meeting the last 2 AIs

An American caravel reached the western point of the continent in 1280AD, the only deal I could manage was sell him Literature for 20g (while he has 70g, so he must have been really close to discover it).

Egypt appeared just in 1502AD and is, score wise, at the same level as me and Roosevelt.

Even if I am still dead last in tech (Roosevelt was first to Liberalism in 1490AD, and I am still researching Education), the demographics are showing a very optimist future, with me being first, often by a good margin, on all the important ones. The slightly worrying problem is being the “worst enemy” and wrong religion for Roosevelt and especially Hatshe (+1/-8).


·         Back to INDEX

·         Part 1 – from 400BC to 5AD

·         Part 2 – from 5AD to 1502AD

·         Part 3 – from 1502AD to the End

·         Scoring data