Natural heritage

Carnets Naturalistes en Bourgogne Patryck Vaucoulon

Between 1979 and 1981, volunteer of the national service, Patryck Vaucoulon make a scientific mission on the island of Crozet in Antarctica to study the royal penguins there. Between 1982 and 1985, he escapes in the Big North: twice in Scandinavia and once in Greenland, then in Canada, to observe the bears, the whales and the musk oxen, and finally in Spitsbergen.

Professor of natural sciences, he picks up in 1985 a post of teacher in Madagascar where he investigates the massif of Ankanara, badly known until then. In this virgin zone abounding in specific plants, he notably harvested new sorts to which his name will henceforth be associated.

He exercises since 1991 his work of naturalist in Burgundy. equipped with his paintbrush and of he limp in colors, he crosses wood and countries, in the hide of the animals of the nature which he paints in watercolor.

His speciality, it is the badger, an animal which he can observe during hours because he fascinates him.

He returned to the TAAF (southern Earth and French Antarctica) and drew, in Earth Adélie, the penguins for a new book in watercolor.

He has just published "La Bourgogne, paysages naturels, faune et flore".



Patryck Vaucoulon


20, Chemin de Bibracte - 21240 TALANT

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