
Music by : Marc. A. Huyghens (Arrangements Venus)
Lyrics by : Dimitri Devillez (Traduction Jean-Marc Butty)

Enregistré par Duke et mixé par Gilles Martin
Published by : Virgin France

Leaving from nowhere
and wishing to be elsewhere
without resistance, back to the essence
Let fate have what we have best
when it’s too late time slips away
find the spark again

The world opens up in front of me like a relief
I’ve made the first step
now I go away quietly
My luck passed me by, I’ve missed my time
My luck passed me by, I’ve missed my time

Leaving in the dark and following the star
that shines through fog and reveals the path
leaving behind me regrets that tear apart
only keeping in mind the most beautiful times

The world collapses around me
and it’s like a relief
I’ve made one step too many
so I go away quietly

Leaving far enough to stop thinking
about the eyes of the ones I’ve judged
and who are still calling me
and who are still calling me

Morceau écrit pour la compilation contre la peine de mort, Pas la Peine, d'Amnesty International Belgique. Les paroles de tous les morceaux de ce CD ont été rédigées par des jeunes de moins de 24 ans et mises en musique par différents artistes belges. Les bénéfices iront à Amnesty.
Acheter le disque (Edition limitée 2000 ex.)
You won't tell me, I know it's hard
To keep your dream alive
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