Morvan seen by writers

Didier Cornaille

"Raise the right, firm hand the fist, draws up the index", said my schoolteacher. You noticed: we always remember our schoolteacher! Mine named Mister Carpentier.

He had the quite broken voice, the poor man, maybe to have too much wanted to admit in our repulsive heads a whole series of evidences all around of which he based education.

I have at least that of the closed right fist, tense index. " You have the image of the central Massif, he continued.

The major, the ring finger and the little finger folded up, they are Auvergne and Limousin; the fat of the thumb, they are Cevennes with, in their left, the big limestone plateaus and Rouergue; the thumb and the major, they are rich Limagnes... "

"And the raised, alone index above? ", let us wonder, for the only pleasure to hear him to us. "And the good, the pointed index, between Nivernais and Burgundy, in the direction of Paris Basin, it is Morvan ", said to us of a solemn tone this man of the North.

Solemn, we were as well as he, and his words created perfect lights in the glance which some of us tended to put very often on the small book which did not leave the corner of the desk of our teacher : The Tour de France by two children. "

Extracted from " Morvan ballades et découvertes"
Burgundy Magazine



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