Jean Pierre Ceton

writer (écrivain, escritor) in French language, author of novels (romans, novelas), texts, dialogues...
lives in Paris, France.

«I try to write a language which enables me to tell this time»

To write to the author 
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Man is always alone to face the sirens
The writing as invention of the world
Against a literature of alienation  in
Marguerite Duras who sometimes cried to write her books
in  DurasLes Cahiers de l'Herne  86

Letter to the reader  2002-04
De la tragique histoire à la posthumanité
La courbure inutile du français

L'Europe, prémonition du monde à venir
La faute aux post-modernes

Le rire sarcastique de l'évidence passéiste
Le coup de Houellebecq
Désintégration des concepts historiques
  Naufragés de la route         
 Sortir de la régression  (Le Monde 01/06/2002)
Le jeu des Voyageurs modèles

Novels ( first lines):
Rauque la ville (Rock the City), editions de Minuit, preface by Marguerite Duras
Rapt d'amour (Abduction of Love) POL editeur
La Suive (Follows), Imprimerie nationale editions
Pathetique Sun (Pathetic Sun), Criterion editeur
La Fiction d'Emmedée (M.D.'s Novel), editions du Rocher
                        Les Voyageurs modèles (Perfect travellers) editions Comp'Act
                                   Le petit roman de juillet (The little july's novel) on line   

Letter to the reader  2001

Letter to the reader 1997-2000
   The Writer's Emergency  
A new Border for what human is  
Doubts in our thoughts (Le Monde 06/02/99)
Stop the fundamentalist reaction

 Here comes the time to ask what the Academy is for (Le Monde 02/02/1999)   New borders to literature... An idiom that would be alive... No more stories...
  Thinking about Diderot
  Let the French language free! (Le Monde 01/14/1998)

Texts published in periodics
The adventure of the Else, Passage d'Encres 5
A quiet Literature, Liberation N°4204
Reality always lacks some literature, Quai Voltaire 10
Dance of the whole body, Revue Adages
Play and movie scripts (abstracts)

Pour échapper au destin (To escape the destiny)
Le besoin qu'ont les êtres d'être deux (The need that have the beings to be two)
Pathetic Sun,

Where is the beach as summer is here?
Lost frequency
Thanks to Mike Lucken

Page maintained by  JPC  Jacquie Gz  David Fournier

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