Olivier Da Lage's homepage
Articles on the
Middle East
on journalism
- The first professional statute of journalists (Le Monde, 2-3 April 1995)
- The
European Court sanctions protection of sources (Le Journaliste, n°
239, 3rd quarter 1996)
- Professional criteria of the Press card committee (in "L'identité professionnelle
des journalistes", actes du colloque de Strasbourg, 25 et 26 November
1994, Alphacom CUEJ)
- Author's rights and journalists' statute (SCAM, 30 September 1998)
- The press challenged by the Internet ("Communication & Langages",
September 2001)
- The unions' battles (in «Les journalistes
ont-ils encore du pouvoir», Hermès n° 35, March 2003
- Paris
wants its CNN, French-Style (Transnational
Broadcasting Studies Journal), TBS 11, fall-winter 2003
- Reporting
Journalism's Uncertain Future In the Danger Zone.
Report of IFJ Mission (with Aidan White), November, 2001
- Building
Solidarity: The Challenge of Change Facing Iraqi Journalists .
Mission report by IFJ and FAJ, January 2004
- Reporting
conflicts and military risks, the
case of the Iraq war of 2003-2004, contribution to the CERIME conference
in Strasbourg, May 2004, Bruylant, 2006)
- The
Internet, a metamedia, (Revue
internationale et stratégique n° 56, Winter 2004-2005)
- Journalists'
authors' rights on the Internet: breaking out of the deadlock, (Juriscom.net,
october 4th, 2005)
- Ethical
medias: true questions, false solutions,
(Legipresse, n°
233, July 2006)
- The
last journalist ?,
(Le Journaliste, n° 286, October 20007)
Books published
- L'Inde
de A à Z, André
Versaille Editeur
- Les captifs du
nid d'aigle, Michalon,
(drawings by Christian Louis), 2004
- Dico rebelle 2004, Michalon,
2003 (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Al Qaeda)
- Obtenir sa carte de presse et
la conserver, Victoires-Éditions, 2003.
- Maudite soit ta source (thriller,
with Jean-Paul Riondet) Michalon,
- L'émergence
d'une identité « khalijienne » (1971-2004), in
monarchies du Golfe»,
collective works coordinated
Rémy Leveau, Documentation française, to be published in June
- The
Politics of Al Jazeera or the Diplomacy of Doha (in The
Al Jazeera Phenomenon: Critical Perspectives on New Arab Media, collective
works coordinated by Mohamed Zayani, Pluto
Press, (2005)
- Golfe : le Jeu des six familles
(with Gérard Grzybek) Autrement, 1985. (download,
pdf format, 16.6 Mb)
- Jeu de Go en Méditerranée
orientale ( with Gérard Grzybek, Thomas Schreiber, Pierre
Delmas) FEDN, 1986.
- Le Secrétaire général
(thriller, with Gérard Grzybek and Thomas Schreiber) Belfond,
- Géopolitique de l'Arabie
Saoudite, Complexe, 2006.
- Stratégies
omanaises dans les relations internationales et régionales,(in
"Le sultanat d'Oman contemporain" collective works coordinated by
Marc Lavergne and Brigitte Dumortier, 2002, Karthala.
Write to Olivier Da Lage