- Ferries of Corsica -
What's New this Year 
Corsican Routes in a Few Words and in Detail 
The Articles of Mare Nostrum Corsica 
With the New IMO Rules and the Med in the SECA Zone by 2025, reducing the Carbon Footprint of Ferry Travel becomes a Priority 
Changes in Corsican Sea Transports since 1990 
Major Ferry Operators : Corsica Ferries - La Méridionale - Corsica Linea  (formerly SNCM)
Ships into Service, Ships on Order 
Towards a Carbon-free Shipping from 2023 : The Great Global Challenge for Shipowners 
Bastia : the Town, 2023 Figures Page récemment actualisée , 2024 and Medium-term Prospects for the Port 
Pictures of Ships : Ferries, Ro-paxes, High-speed Crafts... 
Live from the Med : Real-time Vessels Positions, Marine Weather and Weather Forecasts 
Links to Other Sites 

- Last update on April, the 20th 2024 -

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